Escapees RV Club

Thursday, September 11, 2014


I joined a new website called RVillage, and I thought you'd be interested too! RVillage is a social networking site built by RVers for RVers. It allows you to find interesting people to meet right in your RV Park and the surrounding area, find all your friends on a map, plan or attend events - and it's free to sign up!

You can plan routes, find RVers, parks and vendors along the way, and share your stories and photos, all in one place. There's even a "Groups" section that includes hundreds of organizations and special interests- whether its crafting or kayaking, Coachmans or Casitas, there's a group for it. Each group has it's own map of members, so you can see where everyone is located around the country. It's really easy to find people with similar interests, and you can meet them "online" or "in person."

If you've ever wanted to connect with neighbors in RV parks as you travel, or you're looking for a few folks to have a BBQ with, or maybe you want to know if another [insert interest here] is staying at an RV park down the road- Here's your answer. It sure beats leaving connections up to chance while walking the dog, or the random stranger coming up asking “what type of engine is in that thing?” while you're busy dumping the tanks!

RVillage has been really well received in the RV industry world. Escapees and Workamper News have both wholeheartedly endorsed the site along with many prominent bloggers. It's already gained over 10,000 members in just 5 months.

I know there's a million websites, networks and clubs out there, but I've never seen anything like RVillage. I hope you decide to join me at

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